Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fun: Is your hair wet...or are you going GQ?

A little background: I was on the plane today on my way back to Atlanta. This really cute guy got on that I would say was probably in his late 20s. His hair looked wet as his jet black hair was perfectly slicked back! It got me thinking...

When is it that a guy decides to slick his hair back? Is there a certain age or status that must be met? What does that say about him? Does it make him sexy? professional? cocky? Do you find this attractive?

Provide your thoughts...


Whitney Jones said...

So I don't know that I can say that I find this either attractive or unattractive because at this point in my life I don't really know what or who it is I am looking for. I have dated several guys and it seems to me that every one is always so different from the next. I don't know if this is an effort to find 'the one' because the one before has failed or if it is just me not really knowing what I want. I, like Natalie, have learned so much about myself in the past five years and through this time I have learned that I am not meant to pass judgement or make assumptions about anyone. I guess this kind of brings me back to Natalie's question of whether or not I find wet hair attractive, do I think it is cocky and why do I think that guys do this with their hair? I think it is for the same reasons that both Natalie and I described about ourselves. They are simply trying to find themself. Figuring out which "me" they want to be. I think it is great and I encourage people to learn why they are the way they are and why they believe what they believe. You will never know why you stand for the things you stand for if you don't put yourself to the test.

Brookie said...

Honestly, I have never found a man with slick backed hair attractive. Take for instance Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Leo DiCaprio, John Travolta... all these men are very attractive; however when they choose to put all that gel in their hands and smooth it over their hair- attractiveness goes right out the window... Even when its not say 'slicked back' but even slicked down, like Brad Pitt does occasionally, I still like it better natural... That's my opinion anyways.

courtwright said...

I am not a fan of the greased back look. It almost reminds me of the SoulGlo family in the movie "Coming to America". But then again, I find it attractive if a guys hair is like that after a workout (kinda gross I know, but a guy fresh from working out or playing a sport is just hot to me.) But maybe I find that acceptable because it is sweat? What about a hot actor/celebrity ... David Beckham has his hair slicked back sometimes. still hot. Okay, so now I have to change my opinion. I guess it totally depends on the individual guy and how his hair is slicked back. How about the standard - if grease is involved I am not a fan. Other "slicked back" looks are to be decided on a case by case basis. :-)

p.s. thanks for letting me join your blog!!